With effect from 1st August 2013, semester fees can be paid by the students of 2nd semester and above from their home station as per following procedure. First semester fees will continue to be paid in bank draft as before.
Payment by students/parents having internet banking facilities only.
Fees can be paid up to 15th May for odd semester and 15th November for even semester.
Account will not accept deposit after above dates.
Procedure for online payment is as under:
a) Take a printout of the receipt and submit it to GIPS office as confirmation of having paid your fees.
b) In case of due date is over, make use of Powerjyoti Account to deposit fees. (Details explained below)
Powerjyoti Account:
6. Those paying fees after 15th May / 15th November will pay late fee while depositing SSA Copy of the challan in Administrative Branch as under:
7. Clearance for deposit of semester fees will be given by Administrative Branch only after late fee, if any, has been paid while depositing copy of challan.
Payment by Bank Draft
GIPS will continue to accept payment of semester fee through bank draft. However, late fee will have to be paid as per above rates if deposited after 15th May / 15th November.
I-Collect and Powerjyoti accounts have been opened in State bank India for ease of paying semester fees by the students / parents from the comfort of their home / home station and avoid carrying of large quantity of cash in person by the students. Everyone is requested to make full use of this facility and make it a success.