How To Apply
Step 1: Create Account:
- Mandatory information required: Degree, Course, First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, E-mail ID.
- Before creating account, make sure that the Mobile No. and email ID you have provided are valid as all future correspondences will be sent to the registered email ID only.
- Please ensure that you fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria for the course you are applying for (The same has been displayed on the account creation page).
- The applicant should first create an account by filling the required information and then clicking the “Register” button.
- Your login credentials will be sent to the registered e-mail ID entered at the time of filling in the information.
Step 2: Go to Log in Page
- Click on the “Go to Login Page” button.
- Login with the credentials sent to your email ID and press log in.
Step 3: Make Payment
- Click on “Pay” button.
- Please allow popup windows at your browser before you proceed further.
- You have multiple payment options:
- Net Banking
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
- After successful payment, you will be re-directed to application page.
Step 4: Apply
- Start filling up the form providing all the personal and educational details.
- Upload your photograph and signature.
- The size of the image file should be minimum of 20KB and should not be more than 300KB with the face (uncovered) clearly visible in .jpg format only.
- Scanned copy of your FULL Signature signed with Black Ink in white background: The size of the image file should be minimum of 10KB and should not be more than 300KB. The signature should be clearly visible in .jpg format only.
- All documents to be uploaded should be minimum of 10KB and should not be more than 300KB & in .jpg format only.
- When all the sections are completed, proceed towards “Final Submission” of your application form.
- Note that you will not be able to edit/modify/change any information provided after final submission. Therefore, ensure that your photograph, signature, and all other information are displayed properly in the application preview before clicking on “Final Submit”.
- After Final Submission, you will get a link to download your application form which you will have to bring at the time of counselling/admission.
- Please check your email regularly for information relating to admission process.